2020 Is the Year Of The Appointments!

About us

Who, What & Why

Born out of necessity, Double J. Appointments began in a coffee shop when Jason Smith and Jonathan Price met to brainstorm ideas. Both entrepreneurs with a full schedule and growing responsibilities, began training setters for their personal businesses.

What started as an experiment...Jason and Jonathan hired a few appointment setters and each took to training them in the way they thought best. Fast forward, a year and a half later, the same setters that started with Jason and Jonathan, are now part of the growing program.

Through Word of Mouth, their friends and fellow-business owners began to ask them to find and train appointment setters for their businesses as well.

"I don't care who you are. No one has unlimited gifting. No one has unlimited time. No one has unlimited bandwidth. A simple principle of business is that you want to delegate what other people can do better so as the business owner you can focus on what you do best." -- Jason Smith

Thus, Double J Appointments was born and has become a friend to small business, allowing business owners the flexibility and time necessary to grow their business.  

"As an Area Director, we wear a lot of hats. It's not that I disliked the phone but rather the need to do more with my time, so the idea that I could meet with more businesses, while having someone fill the gaps in my schedule, seemed like a no-brainer, all while creating more time in my day to meet with my existing partners and residents." -- Jonathan Price

Not only are Jason and Jonathan proprietors of Double J but they remain clients of their own program as well.

Learn More

Our appointment setting process is designed to empower your business. Talk to us today about how we can support your growth, maximize your time, and put you on a solid track to success and profit.